Day 94 of #tracywearswool, and here comes the rain again!
And from what I understand, it might start raining tonight… through the end of my challenge. I may have to find and ultracool site, and an untracool outfit, for my 100th day.
It is amazing to me that I have worn a dress everyday for the last 98 days. And … it has been the same dress. I can say that I have gotten the value out of this one.
More amazing, I have a new Wool dress for after the challenge — a sleeveless gray number. And I will be ordering my reward dress, so that will give me 3… How long do you thik I can go, if I rotate dresses??
It also means that I have blogged everyday for the last 94 days! Mostly about the dressm but also about knitting and Appalachian flatfooting and clogging. I will continue the #tracywearswool posts, but probably oly once a week, so that I have more time for my next blog subject…..
But you will have to wait on that one — and tune in on day 101!
For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool& — Same dress. 100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.
What’s in store today:
A gorgeous day at the coast. And back in Portland, there are planter boxes just waiting for me to come plant them!!
Old Lucky Brand zip uo hoodie – chocolate brown with elephants on it. Under that is a worn in chambray buttondown shirt from Merona.
It’s back to leggings today, and some boots. In the 50’s today, and down in the 40s tonight.
But the clematis is starting to climb up the poles, and the deer haven’t gotten to the primroses.
And Boo Boo the black bear hasn’t been around for a few days, digging in the trashcans.
These Keen boots have been with me quite a few years, and hundreds of miles. Still super comfy, especially when paired with thick wool socks.
And… the beach is calling….
Thanks for joining me on day 94 of #tracywearswool.
Stay tuned for the next 6 days!
Be well, and get out there and enjoy yourself.
As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!
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