Sometimes, I just feel in a pinky mood.


It is one of my favorite colors and something that I love to wear.  It tickles me *pinky* whenever I find something pinky — that is the right pink. This one is a sophisticated pinky color.

You may be wondering why I am using that same word over and over in the same paragraph.  Well, I will tell you.  I am a blogger, and it helps with my page’s SEO ranking to have the keyword in the title, and in the first paragraph… and also throughout the page.  With better ranking, my page will show above a lot of others if people are searching for things.   This is just something I do, working from home… along with some other things. You can see more HERE!

But, I really do like pinky, and was thrilled to find this pinky shirt.  I also have a pinky button on my vest…. it is from one of my very favorite yarn shops CLOSE KNIT in Portland.


For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Today is dancing class! And boy, did I have fun.  I am starting to get the hang of it….

The rest of the day is photos, knitting, playing with the dogs, walking to the beach, and  making videos of my dancing for my  page on Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging


Here’s what I came up with for today!



Another Lauren shirt — this time stripes.  I think this will be one of my favorites for quite a while. I got it at the local Long Beach Thrift store during the  75% off — and I just couldn’t resist it for $2!

I paired it up with my Cabela’s denim vest and bracelet from Mexico.


This is me in the clubhouse where I live. There is a great woodstove behind me.  Although it is closed off because of Covid… I am still allowed to go in and shoot photos and film my dancing!


Some of you may know, I am a full-time RV dweller, and I  live on the beach in a fabulous privately owned RV park — The Lamp Camp, in Long Beach, Washington.

Just like to mention that occasionally, because the folks who own the place are super nice and wonderful!



I have had these stamped sterling earrings since my Berkeley days — that would be before 2003!  I should polish them one day… but then they look so shiny… and I think I prefer them like this.

Also… miss pinky nose…. aka Rainey!

You can read her story HERE!


Thanks for joining me on my pinky post.  Stay tuned for the next 61 days of #tracywearswool!

Be well!




As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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