day 27: rainy day people

day 27: rainy day people

Rainy day people all know there’s no sorrow they can’t rise above. — Gordon Lightfoot

There seems to be a lot of sorrow these days, a lot of things that aren’t exactly working out the way we planned.  But that is life sometimes. Unfortunately. My goal is to just try to be a better person and rise above the sorrows, by focusing on all the good things that life has to offer.

I’ve got a roof over my head, and a car that runs, kids that love me, and parents who are still alive.  I have dogs, and a beach to walk on. I have enough food, and clothes to wear. I make enough money to pay my bills and have joy in my life.  I laugh, and sing, and dance daily. I have a lot to be thankful for. And I am grateful for that.

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

More rain and wind. And if I go to Portland tomorrow, I will probably get some snow and ice.

I started a new Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging module — and this segment is going to take some practice. You can track my dancing progress HERE.

Oh… and made some progress on my Valentine’s socks…. Loving this selfstriping socks.  You can get this yarn — and it’s on sale for $15 while supplies last — click HERE, and use the code TRACY15 for an ADDITIONAL 15 % discount on all the yarn and other great products from Darn Good Yarn!!

rainy day people

Here’s what I came up with for today!


rainy day people

Vintage Pendelton shirt, 100% cotton, great plaid. Perfect for rainy day people and the Pacific Northwest.  

The sweater is from Columbia, but I am pretty sure I picked it up from Goodwill for a song. Love the metal buttons.

rainy day people

Today’s Layers: Woolamina and Gray Gap Leggings topped with the Pendelton Shirt, and Columbia cable knit sweater.


rainy day people

Lap warmer is Rainey.  She and I an the Dude live on the Beach in Southern Washington in our RV.

For more about my RV lifestyle HERE!

rainy day people

Earrings are vintage sterling and turquoise, not sure where I picked them up.

Socks are handknit plain Vanilla sock — made with Regia self striping yarn.

Shoes are crocs, from the outlet in Camirillo, CA.

rainy day people

Thanks for checking out my rainey day people post! More to come — everyday in fact — so check back often!



As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 26: wooly bully

day 26: wooly bully

This photo makes me look a little like a bully! But a wooly bully would be ok.

I am not quite sure what I was thinking when I put together this outfit. Seriously.  It started with the shirt.  Which I love, even though it is 2 sizes too big.  Then, I thought, aprons are good.  And I haven’t really worn this one… 

The weather was a bit nicer, so I headed out to the woodshed.  Because there’s nothing like a woman in a dress hanging out in the woodshed with a huge apron on.  Not to mention the shirt….

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

A little warmer today… rain instead of snow.

I kept up with my dance practice — and the rigor mortis is starting to subside on my legs and backside. It is a workout!  You can see my newest blog post about that HERE.

And I practiced online with Youtube for my Bodrhan.  Still trying to get my stick hand moving faster. Timing is everything!


Oh… and I started some new wooly socks… stay tuned for progress photos.  You can get this yarn HERE, and use the code TRACY15 for a 15 % discount on all the yarn and other great products from Darn Good Yarn!!


Here’s what I came up with for today!



OK.. I like these photos a bit better! Whew.

Earrings are coral and come from New Mexico.  I just love them, and now that I have thinned out my jewelry box, I will be able to find them.


The pin-tucked tuxedo shirt is from Gloria Vanderbuilt. 100% cotton, as old as the hills, and comfy as all get out. I almost had it in the donate bag… because it is  super large, but I like it as a big smock.



 The denim apron is from Ikea. I got it to bar-b-que, but it is pretty handy with the kangaroo pocket.

For those who don’t know I live in my RV full time… more about my RV lifestyle HERE!


More on the Apron — I don’t think it was very expensive, and it was the last one there.  At around $8,  this sturdy heavy apron will last quite a while.  Extra long ties — one size fits most.


Thanks for checking out my wooly bully post! More to come — everyday in fact — so check back often!



As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 25: wildflowers

day 25: wildflowers

Wildflowers – we belong among them!

Or in this case, wrapped up in wildflowers.  The more I look at this shirt, the more I like it.  It was one from my thrift shop excursion last week. At $2 bucks, I didn’t even look at it that closely, but went on the weight of the cotton.  It just had that feel.  It also had fabulous stitched flowers on the left breast.  And At first, I thought the flowers might be a little TOO wild… but once on… I love it.

Snce it was snowing and raining and super windy, I couldn’t take photos outside. I also had a little help with the inside photo shoot today, so I made a little video.

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Snow and ice on the Southern Washington Coast. Crazy — snow at the beach.  Howling wind, and power outages.  Presents a bit of a challenge, but nothing terrible.

I finished up week two of the dancing instruction with Carla, and made a couple of videos for a blog post…  will do that later.

You can check out that Blog Page,  for Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging. I am super excited about this challenge and a totally new skill, and can’t wait to see what you think.)

Here’s what I came up with for today!



Quite honestly,  I have had this necklace for about 30 years.  Times that I have worn it: once.  I was going through my jewelry box, finding things to donate… and I came across it.  So really, this look started with the necklace.

Love the embroidery!!


Crazy little wildflower shirt over Woolamina, and leggings.

Those are my everyday crocs — got them at the croc outlet in California.

And of course, the Dude and Rainey.


This is my Rv HOME — or as I call it – my WHEEL estate.  I live here fulltime at the beach in Southern Washington.  The quilt hanging up covers up the murphy bed.  See more about my RV lifestyle HERE!


Here is the tag from the shirt.  It is made in Canada– I am going to have to do some research on this brand, see what other patterns they have.

Crocs to the left, crocs to the right…


Thanks for joining me for my wildflower post! More to come — so check back often!



As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


day 39: ms pinky

day 39: ms pinky

Sometimes, I just feel in a pinky mood.   It is one of my favorite colors and something that I love to wear.  It tickles me *pinky* whenever I find something pinky -- that is the right pink. This one is a sophisticated pinky color. You may be wondering why I am...

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day 38: time is on our side

day 38: time is on our side

I truly think that time is on our side -- it is how we use it that counts. I have enjoyed a lot of time, and I have wasted a lot of time.  And I guess it is what you do with it.  Some things seem like you are wasting time -- when really they are super important --...

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day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

 Day37 of the #tracywearswool dress challenge -- another fine day at the beach!  And I ain't misbehaving.  Just me, hanging out in my lovely dress. Braving the elements.  And loving the heck out of life!For those of you new to this blog ...I am involved in a 100-Day...

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day 36: flowers

day 36: flowers

Flowers -- I have a weakness for button down shirts with flowers on them. So today, I had to take my car in for her 6 month service.  I was going to wait.. .mostly because I thought it was only going to be about an hour long.  They said they would call me.  I wanted...

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day 35: shot of glory

day 35: shot of glory

I got my little shot of glory today, but not in the traditional sense -- it was my second dose of the Corona vaccine! I can say that the people giving those shots at the Oregon Convention Center are angels.  Personable and chatty, but efficient and quick with the...

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day 34: silk degrees

day 34: silk degrees

This post has almost nothing to do with the iconic album Silk Degrees, except that I love this skirt so much it makes me want to do a "leet-le" shuffle!   Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  Must have been the Harbor Lights... What Can I Say? Alright... now that...

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Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 24: blue

day 24: blue

Blue is just one of those colors.

I love blues, but mostly think of myself as a pink person.  I have a lot of turquoise jewelry, and even a turquoise and white Honda 50 scooter… and a ton of blue jean and chambray shirts.  An blue really seems to pair well with my iron gray Woolamina. But for some reason…. they hang there.  A huge collection of them. 

I think I may have to change that….


For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Snow and ice on the Southern Washington Coast. Crazy — snow at the beach.  But it happens.  I was happy not to have to be out on the road today. 

So I pretty much stayed inside today.

I practiced my dance sequences, and made some videos — so I could see how I was progressing.  This was the second week… and the group get together is tomorrow — online, of course. 

You can check out my Blog Page, and watch me go from total beginner to Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging Queen. It’s my covid skill challenge I gave myself — learn new things! I Only post once a week, so  I’ll do my post with the videos tomorrow!!

Here’s what I came up with for today!



Bracelett was half off at Goodwill — color of the week… which made it $1.49.  I love all the blue beads paired with browns.. really sets them off.  One big long stretchy coil.

Earrings are sterling with bright blue Kingman turquoise.


This  lovely blue sweater is a relatively new find — Ann Taylor Loft… but I found it at Goodwill for about $7.  Perfect condition. And I love the little lace pattern.

As a knitter, I really appreciate nice lace openwork.


Speaking of knitting… here is a shameless plug: Check out my knitting page — – and pick up some free patterns.

I am also on Ravelry — link on the GWK page!


These are my “dress up” glasses.  I kept them in a case for most of the year.  And I realized that I have hardly worn them at all.  Time to change that mindset!

I get My Glasses online from Zenni Optical.  These were under $40 for bifocals.


My other specs

Thanks for joining me for my post on blue — which, by the way, was one of the best albums ever. More to come — so check back often!


a cup of coffee

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


day 39: ms pinky

day 39: ms pinky

Sometimes, I just feel in a pinky mood.   It is one of my favorite colors and something that I love to wear.  It tickles me *pinky* whenever I find something pinky -- that is the right pink. This one is a sophisticated pinky color. You may be wondering why I am...

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day 38: time is on our side

day 38: time is on our side

I truly think that time is on our side -- it is how we use it that counts. I have enjoyed a lot of time, and I have wasted a lot of time.  And I guess it is what you do with it.  Some things seem like you are wasting time -- when really they are super important --...

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day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

 Day37 of the #tracywearswool dress challenge -- another fine day at the beach!  And I ain't misbehaving.  Just me, hanging out in my lovely dress. Braving the elements.  And loving the heck out of life!For those of you new to this blog ...I am involved in a 100-Day...

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day 36: flowers

day 36: flowers

Flowers -- I have a weakness for button down shirts with flowers on them. So today, I had to take my car in for her 6 month service.  I was going to wait.. .mostly because I thought it was only going to be about an hour long.  They said they would call me.  I wanted...

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day 35: shot of glory

day 35: shot of glory

I got my little shot of glory today, but not in the traditional sense -- it was my second dose of the Corona vaccine! I can say that the people giving those shots at the Oregon Convention Center are angels.  Personable and chatty, but efficient and quick with the...

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day 34: silk degrees

day 34: silk degrees

This post has almost nothing to do with the iconic album Silk Degrees, except that I love this skirt so much it makes me want to do a "leet-le" shuffle!   Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  Must have been the Harbor Lights... What Can I Say? Alright... now that...

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Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 23: act naturally

day 23: act naturally

I find it hard to “act naturally” when staring down the lens of a camera… or, in my case, aad cellphone mounted on a tripod.

It’s has taken a bit of getting used to, mounting my phone on a $20 tripod, and then using the Bluetooth “clicker” to snap the photo.   And in order to get my entire body in for a standing pose, the camera is so far away…. I can’t see what I am shooting!


So basically… I just snap a lot!  Between 30 – 50 will get me a few good ones… or at least enough for my post.


And it’s not that I am exceedingly vain, or have super high standards.  Heck, I have photos that I consider in the humbling category… but I post them anyway. Why??

Because it’s real.  That is pretty much how I look. And at 62 years old… I just don’t think I have to keep up my supermodel image anymore.  (Snicker)

So here’s to debunking the perfection myth. And here’s to the tired eyes, silver strands, poochy bellies, and all the lines on our faces, and scars on our bodies that show where we’ve been, and what we’ve survived.

act naturally

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

After visiting more with Number 1, and practicing my Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging, I took off for the coast.  There was a storm front coming in, threatening to drop some snow in Portland, Oregon, and the SW Washington coast.  Indeed, it got into the 30s and did snow, so I am glad that I got an early start, and off the road.

I’ll be posting a follow-up video on Saturday for my  Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging page.  Should be interesting to see how much i have improved in a week.  I have practiced EVERY day!  Yee Haw!


If you  would like to learn more about Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging ,And about the great online program I found with a FABULOUS teacher, Click  HERE.  

Today, I  did something a little different.  I took the photos from the last 23 days, and used the phone  “Highlights” feature to make a little 1 minute movie!

act naturally

So get out there and ACT NATURALLY!


As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


day 39: ms pinky

day 39: ms pinky

Sometimes, I just feel in a pinky mood.   It is one of my favorite colors and something that I love to wear.  It tickles me *pinky* whenever I find something pinky -- that is the right pink. This one is a sophisticated pinky color. You may be wondering why I am...

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day 38: time is on our side

day 38: time is on our side

I truly think that time is on our side -- it is how we use it that counts. I have enjoyed a lot of time, and I have wasted a lot of time.  And I guess it is what you do with it.  Some things seem like you are wasting time -- when really they are super important --...

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day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

 Day37 of the #tracywearswool dress challenge -- another fine day at the beach!  And I ain't misbehaving.  Just me, hanging out in my lovely dress. Braving the elements.  And loving the heck out of life!For those of you new to this blog ...I am involved in a 100-Day...

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day 36: flowers

day 36: flowers

Flowers -- I have a weakness for button down shirts with flowers on them. So today, I had to take my car in for her 6 month service.  I was going to wait.. .mostly because I thought it was only going to be about an hour long.  They said they would call me.  I wanted...

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day 35: shot of glory

day 35: shot of glory

I got my little shot of glory today, but not in the traditional sense -- it was my second dose of the Corona vaccine! I can say that the people giving those shots at the Oregon Convention Center are angels.  Personable and chatty, but efficient and quick with the...

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day 34: silk degrees

day 34: silk degrees

This post has almost nothing to do with the iconic album Silk Degrees, except that I love this skirt so much it makes me want to do a "leet-le" shuffle!   Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  Must have been the Harbor Lights... What Can I Say? Alright... now that...

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Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 22: one more cup of coffee

day 22: one more cup of coffee

One more cup of coffee — sometimes that is all you need! 

I used to drink coffee all day long.  There was always one more cup of coffee in the coffee pot.  And I never had any trouble sleeping. 

But, times have changed and now I just have one or two cups in the morning.  And then sometimes… I indulge myself with one more cup of coffee in the late afternoon.

Mostly I like my coffee unsweetened, but with whipping cream.  An old throwback from the 70’s from when mom was doing Atkins.  Now, with KETO being so popular,  heavy cream is back in style.  I just never stopped.

 ( although I must say, I really enjoy a dirty Chai every once in a while!)

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

More errands and appointments.  Which meant, I had to take my photos in the afternoon… instead of the usual morning.  And… I had to practice  my dance sequences later too… which is why I needed that “one more cup of coffee!” 

Still Working on that Tennessee Walking Step… trying to commit it to muscle memory.  And Carla, if you are reading, I am working on bending my knees! 

You can check out my Dance Page, and watch me go from total beginner to Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging Queen. It’s my covid skill challenge I gave myself — learn new things! Click HERE!


If you  would like to learn more about Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging ,And about the great online program I found with a FABULOUS teacher, Click  HERE.  

Here’s what I came up with for today!


cup of coffee

I just love this little mirror.  It’s what I use to get all did-up when I am in Portland.  

Number 1 and I have a fondness for birds, especially little iron ones.

cup of coffee

Pretty casual dress day — sweater is from Target, Universal Threads brand, Leggings are from the Gap, and some Turquoise earrings from  Arizona.

cup of coffee

Another great day in my Chippewa boots.  I swear, they seem to be getting more and more comfortable the longer I wear them.  Note: they run slightly larger– these are a size smaller, and they fit great.

cup of coffee

Every once in a great while. I will have coffee after dinner… and possibly tip a little of this in the cup.  Throwback from living in the Bay Area…. and the Buena Vista.

cup of coffee

This is, by far, my favorite coffee mug.  For one thing, It holds a LOT of coffee and keeps it warm.  And it is easy to hold.  I love hand made.  I believe I found this at a thrift store.

cup of coffee

This one does NOT have any Irish in it… because, I have some work to do still.  But, I might pick some up on the way back to the coast.  Be good to have when the snow hits!

Thanks for joining me for a little cup of coffee. More to come — so check back often!


a cup of coffee

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


day 39: ms pinky

day 39: ms pinky

Sometimes, I just feel in a pinky mood.   It is one of my favorite colors and something that I love to wear.  It tickles me *pinky* whenever I find something pinky -- that is the right pink. This one is a sophisticated pinky color. You may be wondering why I am...

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day 38: time is on our side

day 38: time is on our side

I truly think that time is on our side -- it is how we use it that counts. I have enjoyed a lot of time, and I have wasted a lot of time.  And I guess it is what you do with it.  Some things seem like you are wasting time -- when really they are super important --...

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day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

 Day37 of the #tracywearswool dress challenge -- another fine day at the beach!  And I ain't misbehaving.  Just me, hanging out in my lovely dress. Braving the elements.  And loving the heck out of life!For those of you new to this blog ...I am involved in a 100-Day...

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day 36: flowers

day 36: flowers

Flowers -- I have a weakness for button down shirts with flowers on them. So today, I had to take my car in for her 6 month service.  I was going to wait.. .mostly because I thought it was only going to be about an hour long.  They said they would call me.  I wanted...

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day 35: shot of glory

day 35: shot of glory

I got my little shot of glory today, but not in the traditional sense -- it was my second dose of the Corona vaccine! I can say that the people giving those shots at the Oregon Convention Center are angels.  Personable and chatty, but efficient and quick with the...

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day 34: silk degrees

day 34: silk degrees

This post has almost nothing to do with the iconic album Silk Degrees, except that I love this skirt so much it makes me want to do a "leet-le" shuffle!   Sorry, I couldn't help myself.  Must have been the Harbor Lights... What Can I Say? Alright... now that...

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Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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