day 39: ms pinky

day 39: ms pinky

Sometimes, I just feel in a pinky mood.


It is one of my favorite colors and something that I love to wear.  It tickles me *pinky* whenever I find something pinky — that is the right pink. This one is a sophisticated pinky color.

You may be wondering why I am using that same word over and over in the same paragraph.  Well, I will tell you.  I am a blogger, and it helps with my page’s SEO ranking to have the keyword in the title, and in the first paragraph… and also throughout the page.  With better ranking, my page will show above a lot of others if people are searching for things.   This is just something I do, working from home… along with some other things. You can see more HERE!

But, I really do like pinky, and was thrilled to find this pinky shirt.  I also have a pinky button on my vest…. it is from one of my very favorite yarn shops CLOSE KNIT in Portland.


For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Today is dancing class! And boy, did I have fun.  I am starting to get the hang of it….

The rest of the day is photos, knitting, playing with the dogs, walking to the beach, and  making videos of my dancing for my  page on Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging


Here’s what I came up with for today!



Another Lauren shirt — this time stripes.  I think this will be one of my favorites for quite a while. I got it at the local Long Beach Thrift store during the  75% off — and I just couldn’t resist it for $2!

I paired it up with my Cabela’s denim vest and bracelet from Mexico.


This is me in the clubhouse where I live. There is a great woodstove behind me.  Although it is closed off because of Covid… I am still allowed to go in and shoot photos and film my dancing!


Some of you may know, I am a full-time RV dweller, and I  live on the beach in a fabulous privately owned RV park — The Lamp Camp, in Long Beach, Washington.

Just like to mention that occasionally, because the folks who own the place are super nice and wonderful!



I have had these stamped sterling earrings since my Berkeley days — that would be before 2003!  I should polish them one day… but then they look so shiny… and I think I prefer them like this.

Also… miss pinky nose…. aka Rainey!

You can read her story HERE!


Thanks for joining me on my pinky post.  Stay tuned for the next 61 days of #tracywearswool!

Be well!




As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 38: time is on our side

day 38: time is on our side

I truly think that time is on our side — it is how we use it that counts.

I have enjoyed a lot of time, and I have wasted a lot of time.  And I guess it is what you do with it.  Some things seem like you are wasting time — when really they are super important — like daydreaming, relaxing, and socializing.

For me it is more about making time.  How much time can I make to be with family, or can I make to exercise… or can I make to sit down every day and write a blog?  How much time can I make to go to church, or read, or knit? 

This 100 day dress challenge is, in a way about making time.  But streamlining my wardrobe… I should have more time to do other things… right?? Well… not necessarily true.

I find that I actually spend more time.  Because I think about it more, and I put more effort into it.  But everything I do around my wardrobe choice – my OOD is intentional. I am not just throwing on whatever I find to wear.

I find that I have made more time for me.

More time taking care of myself.  More time doing things that make me feel better.  More time pushing the boundaries for what is comfortable — taking selfies every day, and opening up to new people I am meeting — who are also doing this.

And I am taking more time with my appearance.  I shop at Goodwill a lot, and think — will this go with the dress? I am looking at and wearing, jewelry, accessories, and shoes that I have had for years, and not worn.  I’m even wearing makeup… and thinking about cutting my hair!

And… I am donating (more trips to Goodwill) items that are not in alignment with the new me.

So I may not be approaching this in the purely minimalist way that some people are… and I think that is ok.   We all have our own reasons.

But, I am liking who I am becoming. And I am having  TON of fun.

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Back at the beach, where it is windy as all get out!  And squalls keep rolling in.  I was happy to get some dry time for my photos.

I’ll practice my dance sequences, and cook some salmon for dinner.  Knit– I’m on the second sweater for the year — out of my planned 12!  Maybe a little raking and gardening.


Here’s what I came up with for today!


time is on our side

This flowered Ralph Lauren  shirt was one of my best recent buys at the local thrift store.  It was 75% off — and I just couldn’t resist it for $2!

I paired it up with an old chenille sweater that I have had for years — made by Woven Heart.


time is on our side

It has been a lot of fun picking out these outfits.  Mostly, I think about it for a bit at night — but you never know what the weather will be at the beach.   A small price to pay to be living in paradise.

time is on my side

Some of you may know, I am a full-time RV dweller, and I  live on the beach in a fabulous privately owned RV park — The Lamp Camp, in Long Beach, Washington.

 It is nestled between the coastal forest and the dunes of the Pacific, has the world’s longest beach, and there is a pretty cute town here, too!


time is on our side

I have a super sweet deal with the owners, and It works out really well.  Plus, I am only a couple of hours from Portland — where I go every week.

And nobody cares if I make some noise stomping around practicing my Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging!

See more of my “learning to dance”  HERE!


Thanks for joining me on my “time is on our side” post.  Stay tuned for the next 62 days of #tracywearswool!

Be well!


 And that was me yesterday… covid vaccine kicked my but, and I just didn’t blog…)



time is on our side

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

day 37 of #tracywearswool: ain’t misbehaving

 Day37 of the #tracywearswool dress challenge — another fine day at the beach! 

And I ain’t misbehaving.  Just me, hanging out in my lovely dress. Braving the elements.  And loving the heck out of life!

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

#tracywearswool 37

This fine wale corduroy shirt was a thrift store find.  It has no tag, and the fabric has a well-worn softness to it.

Vest is by Dolled Up and gives me the added pockets I so desire!

98 #tracywearswool

Not a thrillingly exciting day… unless you love…


…Buttered Cabbage in the Instant Pot!

37 #tracywearswool

But that is about it folks.  Staying in and knitting, and maybe a trip to the beach later.

Thanks for joining me on day 37 of #tracywearswool.

Stay out of trouble!



37 #tracywearswool

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


day 36: flowers

day 36: flowers

Flowers — I have a weakness for button down shirts with flowers on them.

So today, I had to take my car in for her 6 month service.  I was going to wait.. .mostly because I thought it was only going to be about an hour long.  They said they would call me.  I wanted to avoid sitting for the whole time in the waiting area. 

Low and behold… right across the street… was the Halsey Goodwill.   So, I marched on over to see what the story was.

Personally, I like going on Wednesdays… because I get the older person discount.  And because I already have a lot of clothes…. trying to pare down — I decided to only buy clothes from the “color of the week” the price tags are different colors, and color of the week gets half off  Today was blue.

I tried to show some restraint, really I did.  I ended up putting back about half of the things I had originally picked out — mostly because I had something like that at home.  But really… who can resist a nice spring Ann Taylor skirt –for $3.50….Spring is just around the corner! And…I can wear it on top of Woolamina, paired with a cardigan!

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Van in to be serviced,  which means a couple of hours with books on Audible!  Still listening to Pema Chodron’s Don’t Bite the Hook — and loving it! 


Then pretty much lay low — that 2nd dose of the vaccine has left me a little achy!


Here’s what I came up with for today!



I have a fondness for vests… I think it is the pockets.  It is so nice to have a place to put your keys and phone…without having to dig through the purse.

Hard to resist for $3.50!


This little shirt is quite sheer… and in the past, I never would have gone for it.

But now, over the dress, it is just perfect, and not too warm.  And… $3.50


Rainey, of course, photobombing agian.    And she is wearing her pink hoodie.  I think I have to order her another one… so soft and washes up well.



I wasn’t familiar with either of these brands– the vest is Dolled up, and the shirt is by Love Tree in Los Angeles.  

Neither are super classic pieces, but they are fun, and will be great through the summer — when I get my Sierra Tank Dress!




Thanks for joining me on my flowers post.  Stay tuned for the next 65 days of #tracywearswool!

Be well!





As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 35: shot of glory

day 35: shot of glory

I got my little shot of glory today, but not in the traditional sense — it was my second dose of the Corona vaccine!

I can say that the people giving those shots at the Oregon Convention Center are angels.  Personable and chatty, but efficient and quick with the business at hand.

Happy to have it done with.


shot of glory

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

A little driving — over to Portland, which means a couple of hours with books on Audible!  Currently listening to Pema Chodron’s Don’t Bite the Hook — and loving it! Hopefully I’ll be about to squeeze in a little dancing later this afternoon,   a li some music-making, and knitting tonight… that is.. after my shot of glory the convention center!

Here’s what I came up with for today!


shot of glory

I am currently housesitting at Number 1’s place in Portland — which means that I can riffle through her closet and come up with some new outfits.

Her traditional shot of glory…. in the first photo!

shot of glory

So i snagged an Old Navy sleeveless chambray buttondown, and a sweater that I think she owns 4 of — all different colors. Comfortable, and layers are always a good bet.

shot of glory

Rainey, of course, photobombing.  That’s her pink bed in the background, from Ikea.  And she is wearing her pink hoodie.

The Dude is hiding in the other room – but he has his black one on!

shot of glory

3/4 sleeve cropped cardigan is surprisingly comfortable, nice stretch to it.  No wonder Number 1 has it in 4 colors…

Rainey says this is the only shot of glory I am getting from her!

shot of glory



Thanks for joining me on my shot of glory post.  Stay tuned for the next 66 days of #tracywearswool!

Be well!




shot of glory

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 34: silk degrees

day 34: silk degrees

This post has almost nothing to do with the iconic album Silk Degrees, except that I love this skirt so much it makes me want to do a “leet-le” shuffle!


Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.  Must have been the Harbor Lights… What Can I Say? Alright… now that We’re Alone…I can get down to business.  What Do You Want the Girl to Say?

After all the groans are over, I would really like to show you the #OOD (outfit of the day) that I have put together… using this great skirt from Darn Good Yarn.

You can check them out HERE
Be sure to use my discount code for 15% off most everything: TRACY15

Different lengths and a wide range of sizes — from teens through goddess!

I always thought this longer one was to dressy,  but it works well over my Woolamina!  Here are some ways I dressed it down:


For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

A little dancing,  a little blogging, some music-making, and knitting… all with a little silk degrees in the background!!

Here’s what I came up with for today!


silk degrees

For those of you not familiar with these skirts — they  2 layer, and are completely reversible… and one layer is longer than the other.  So one side will show just the longer layer, and the other will show the shorter layer over the backside of the longer layer.

silk degrees

So you can get a lot of different color opportunities with each skirt.  They are made of recycled silk saris and provide jobs for women in India.

silk degrees

I personally LOVE the iridescent copper color — although it was hard to capture in the photograph.  Would be super great dressed up as well.

silk degrees

My life is just not all that dressy, so I was happy to find a way to pair this up with things I had for a more casual look. 

I think in the summer it would be great with a t-shirt and some fisherman sandals!

silk degrees

Vest is an old denim number that I got from Cabellas about 20 years ago. Goes with everything.

Corduroy shirt is from JJill — by way of Goodwill — nice and lightweight with little flowers embroidered on it! (gold color is the backside of the long copper layer!)

silk degrees

I should have paired the skirt with the Shirt & the Vest!  Would have been perfect for colder days. 

And the vest would provide the necessary pockets for phone and keys!


silk degrees


The bracelet is one of my my latest find — $1.50 from Goodwill!

silk degrees



Thanks for joining me on my silk degrees post.  Stay tuned for the next 66 days of #tracywearswool!

Be well!




silk degrees

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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