Cafe Quarentina Presents… Curry!

So you have been locked inside.  And your pantry is looking pretty bleak.  Here is what I made last night, which turned out to be delicious, comforting, curry goodness.  With just a few simple items — mostly from Trader Joe’s.

I have always loved curry, but sometimes they are too spicy for me to handle.  The addition of pineapple and raisins take away some of the heat – but trust me, there is still a bit of zip and LOTS of flavor.  


Pineapple Vegetable Coconut Curry


  For this you will need:


  • 1 TBS coconut oil
  • 16 oz can pineapple chunks or tidbits
  • 2 cooked red potatoes, diced (or — 1 1/2 -2 cups cooked rice)
  • 1 pouch Trader Joe’s Jaipur Vegetables
  • 1 16 oz can coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup golden raisins

To Make the Curry:

  1.  Melt coconut oil in a medium-sized heavy pot over medium heat
  2. open can of pineapple, drain — but keep the juice, you may need it later.
  3. dump the pineapple chunks into the pot, and stir to coat the pineapple.  Saute over medium heat, string occasionally, until the pineapple starts to brown and carmelize.
  4. If pineapple starts to dry out, add some of the pineapple juice, and keep stirring.
  5. Add the potatoes.  If you don’t have potatoes, you can use 1 1/1- 2  cups of rice instead. stir and saute for 5 minutes to brown
  6. Add pouch of Trader Joe’s Jaipur Veggies, stir to mix.
  7. Add 1 can coconut milk and golden raisins. 
  8. Stir, and heat through.
  9. Ladle into bowls.


Serves 2 generously as a main course.

Vegetarian and gluten free

I found that this kept me full for quite a while.  I think it’s the coconut milk.  I know… it gets a bad rap — lots of calories and tons of fat (but it’s the good ft, right?) So for this recipe, I used the reduced fat version.  And, to my surprise, It was just as yummy as if I had used the full fat version.  


I hope you enjoy the Soup!!  Be well.

Choose to be happy.


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