Going Stir Crazy?

So you have been locked inside.  Whether it is from the crazy March Storm that just dumped a ton of snow, another Sunday without sports, or from the virus.  You are running out of ideas, and going a bit stir crazy.   Here is a list of 100 things to do when you are trapped alone inside.

  1. read
  2. wash the dog
  3. clean out the linen closet
  4. bake cookies
  5. play solitaire
  6. watch Downton Abbey
  7. make campfire cones
  8. write thank you notes from the holidays
  9. call your mom
  10. shop online
  11. clean out your inbox for email
  12. throw out all your junk mail and old catalogs
  13. floss your teeth
  14. make popcorn and watch a classic movie
  15. take photos of random things around the house, and post on social media
  16. make a grocery list
  17. create the ultimate smoothie
  18. make oragami out of dollar bills
  19. make coffee
  20. try out a wild new hairstyle and post on social media
  21. give yourself a pedicure
  22. give the dog a pedicure
  23. plan a happy hour in the living room
  24. do laundry
  25. invent a new cocktail
  26. learn something new off YouTube
  27. practice a musical instrument
  28. tie-dye white underwear using food coloring and vinegar
  29. join a wine club 
  30. do squats… or diddily-squats
  31. update your resume
  32. look at adoptable animals at the shelter online site
  33. yoga
  34. clean under the sink
  35. try on all the clothes in the closet, and donate most of them
  36. take a bubble bath
  37. dance in the kitchen
  38. sing opera
  39. practice your Miss America wave
  40. give the cat a haircut
  41. shoot marbles in the kitchen
  42. practice doing a plank for as long as you can
  43. find a place to volunteer
  44. donate online to a worthy cause
  45. join a Facebook page and comment
  46. post photo of cat with new haircut on Instagram
  47. Start a travel bucket list
  48. make children’s clothing out of drapes after watching The Sound of Music
  49. learn how to yodel
  50. binge watch TEDtalk


Still stir crazy? Here are 50 more…


  1. uncork a great bottle of wine
  2. shave your legs
  3. flip over the mattress
  4. iron
  5. knit something
  6. go through photo albums and write names and dates on photos
  7. cruise Pinterest for cool ideas
  8. plan a party
  9. write a glowing review for a service provider
  10. work on an acceptance speech for an Oscar… when your life is made into a movie
  11. shopvac the fireplace or oven
  12. doodle on all the pages in your daytimer that aren’t filled with something
  13. make something out of macaroni
  14. define your career goals
  15. teach your dog a cool parlor trick
  16. color
  17. put on cool sunglasses, red lipstick and lipsinc a video
  18. pretend to be someone else for 5 minutes, and see how that feels
  19. pretend the person you are with is someone else
  20. act like you are waiting for the servants to show up, and keep a straight face
  21. work on you monthly goals
  22. come up with the 5 worst jokes you can…. that make you laugh
  23. iron some clothes, singing “I am Iron Man”
  24. throw out all the expired medicine in your medicine cabinet
  25. wash the dog blanket
  26. call an older person and have a nice long chat
  27. record a new phone message
  28. develop an age-appropriate gymnastics routine to be done in the living room
  29. balance your checkbook
  30. figure out the Instant Pot thing
  31. do your taxes
  32. sing loudly
  33. rearrange the furniture
  34. take up scrapbooking
  35. have a teaparty
  36. write a love letter
  37. try to play the spoons  like Abby the Spoon Lady
  38. redo your Facebook bio
  39. watch Ken Burns Country Music
  40. Learn how to say Hello, Goodbye and Thank You in a different language
  41. see what is living under the silverware divider
  42. start a wine journal
  43. plant some seeds inside in an egg carton
  44. listen to music
  45. send positive thoughts out into the universe
  46. be grateful
  47. begin a journal
  48. wash the windows
  49. take a nap
  50. blog

Hope these suggestions prove to be helpful with your stir crazy days.

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