Social Media Image Sizes

What are the new requirements for social media image sizes? If you are like most people, trying to remember this information is tough enough across all the platforms. But to make matters worse, they keep changing. And they are different for all the major platforms: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Pinterest, Linkedin, and YouTube. No wonder it is hard to keep straight!

On some platforms, your profile photo might partially eclipse your cover photo — blocking part of it. On others you might find yourself with different size options for different user devices.

Just like Shoes…ONE Size does NOT fit all…

To make sure all your photos and graphics were prepared with all the appropriate social media image sizes for all the different sections.. is a nightmare, to say the least. First, you have to look at where the image will be placed — post, profile, header, story, — and that is just the beginning. You also have to look at what the intended viewers will use– laptop, pc, mobile, etc. All of these are important factors in determining the correct size for your image.

To help sort this all out… you need a road map. However, help has arrived in the form of this handy dandy infographic, designed by Ever Increasing Circles. It lays out all the social media image sizes you need for the major social platforms— and all updated for 2020. (Bookmark this site, so you will know where to find it!)

Why do we care about using the correct sizes when posting to social media? Does it make a difference? The answer is YES… and for a number of reasons. For one thing, using the correct size maximizes visibility. However, images that are too big can slow down the time it takes to load…. and no one likes waiting. In addition, the best image sizes are different for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter Pinterest, Linkedin, and YouTube. No wonder it is hard to keep straight!

social media image sizes


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