#tracywearswool day 60 out of 100 — and I can’t believe all the ch-ch-ch changes so far

For one thing… I would never in a million years think of wearing 2 dresses at once.  Or … knotting a dress to hitch it up.  Or, wear them with leggings and Frye boots.  And certainly, not all three together. (Ok… maybe the  Frye boots part… but that’s the only plausible one…)

But, thanks to my new peeps at the #100daydresschallenge Facebook Group, I changed my ways.  But heck… I wore a dress more in the last 60 days than the last 3 or 4 years combined. I started wearing makeup every day.  And jewelry.

And there have been other changes too! For one thing, in the last 60 days,  I cut off about 2 feet of hair and lost 15 lbs. I took up Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging.  I learned how to play the bodrhan. I reevaluated my relationship with my possessions — mainly clothes — and purged and donated a lot. I started some personal challenges, like knitting 12 sweaters in 12 months, and a podcast of the entire Bible in 365 days.  And I blogged every day (daily for the dress challenge, weekly for that dance challenge, and monthly for the sweater challenge.)

But best of all… along the way, I met a lot of really interesting people, with really interesting stories.

Of course… there are still some folks that think the “cheese has slid off the cracker”, but I don’t care… I’m still wearing the boots with my dress!  That way, I can do my clogging practice on the linoleum floors pushing my cart up and down the supermarket aisles.

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.


What’s in store today:

Gorgeous day at the beach.  But still pretty darn cold.  I had my dance class… so much fun.  

Wore my new Frye boots , and then just left them on for the rest of the day… super comfy.  Other than that,  podcast, and some knitting, and playing with the dogs.

See more of my Appalachian Flatfooting & Clogging journey HERE!



These photos are of me in front of my home: a 24 foot RV. I rarely show them, because people equate my style of living with homeless.  But… I love it.   


LuLaRoe Dress over Woolamina, with a Gap denim shirt thrown on top.  Belt pulls it all together — hahahah.


Boots are by FRYE, but I got them off EBAY. They are technically mens… which means they have a thicker sole… and make better noise for clogging!


Not sure why the color is off, but I love the photo of the old Gap belt that I have.

And getting old sometimes means you Febreze your hair by accident.  Glasses are on order…


Thanks for joining me on my “changes” post.  Stay tuned for the next 40 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and learn something new!




As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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