#tracywearswool and songs from our past…

I remember this song from childhood.  We all seemed to learn it, at they YMCA or scouts, or camp, or someplace like that.  So that when you hear the words or the tune… you instantly remember the song… or bits of it.   It’s funny how music can do that to you, trigger a memory that you haven’t thought about in years, maybe even decades.

As I was looking for Irish songs to sing at a zoom jam, I ran across this… and then…BAM!  Instantly transported back in time.

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

It’s a beautiful day in Portland! Things are starting to bloom.  I am waiting for all the tulips and then the cherry blossoms.

Pretty quiet around here, I’ll do some knitting, and some computer work… order new eyeglasses, knit, and hang out with the dogs.    The garden project is coming along… I can’t wait!!


The sand is where the new walkways will be.  Dirt or grass is for the planter boxes.



Another lovely St Patrick’s Day!   ANd I have been saving this wonderful velour shirt with lace cutouts, that was given to me by another wool challenger — Lois Ann!  Many thanks to her — perfect for St Paddy’s. Comfortable & warm.


I’ve pulled it over my Woolamina, and love how the Iron Gray shows through the lace cutouts.  It will work great if I ever have something dressy.   Gray Leggings, of course, and the ever-present bulldog, round it off.


And I put on my Dansko Mary Janes.  Which, by the way, work great for my Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging, too  I shuffled and chugged all over the kitchen floor. I practiced a riff called “grannie does your dog bite?”


I usually make my dancing videos on  Sunday, so keep your eyes peeled for that on — I keep threatening to video them at the Fred Meyer Store… if I can get a cart cam!  Stay tuned for that!!


Thanks for joining me on my “green grow the rushes o” post.  Stay tuned for the next 43 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and learn something new!




As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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