Stormy weather, and I just can’t get my  poor self together!


That is the way the song goes, anyway.  I think I got myself together pretty good… but I only have stormy weather out on the horizon, but not in my life – as in figuratively speaking.

So I only need to bundle up against the cold wind that is blowing.. and against the HAIL we had last night– seriously, hail at the beach.

But then the sun came out… and it was beautiful!

stormy weather

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Sundays are always great days.  I have so much I want to get done… but also want to spend some time relaxing from the hectic week.  So I will knit a little, listen to my podcast, go to Mass online, then do a little dance — and videotape it for my other challenge — learning to dance!

I have a chicken quarter for my instant pot  — that makes dinner pretty simple!For a  free Instant Pot cheatsheet on cooking perfect rice —GO HERE!

And since I finished sweater #2, I wound the yarn for Sweater #3.  Super excited about it… will be making my own pattern, and will post it on when done! You can head over there to check out free patterns, and great resources.

stormy weather

And — It’ll en a good day to shoot some videos for my Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging Page — before we start week 6! Check that out HERE!

stormy weather

Nothing like a good old Levi sweatshirt to ward off the chill of stormy weather!  This one is a slightly updated pigment-dyed version, and I just love the brilliant tonal variations— wish I had half a dozen in different colors!

stormy weather

I’ve worn these boots before in challenge photos, and I know they may look a little funny, but the truth is… they are so dang comfortable.  I could wear them all day long… I must have at least 600 miles on them!

stormy weather

This poncho is from Forever 21.  I never used to go there … thinking they were only for the young crowd and I am just about 3 times 21!  But it is a great place for leggings, t-shirts, and occasionally…. a poncho!

stormy weather

I wanted to put a photo of my necklace in here… because I recently switched it up.  This Cross came from my mom.  And she got it from her Auntie Marge.  Mom thinks that Auntie Marge picked it up on a trip to New Mexico…. a long time ago.  I love the punched sterling, and of course, the turquoise!

stormy weather

If this dress challenge seems interesting to you, then you should check out the Wool& 100 Day Dress Challenge group on Facebook.  It is such a great community of women, who are fun, supportive, and real!I am making friends from all over — great for when covid lets up and I can travel!

stormy weather

I  have “solar flare” but just ordered “chai sunrise”

I had someone recently tell me that I smelled great… and the secret is….shhhh… it is my deodorant.  How great is that! Anyway… I get it from MYRO… and it comes in great scents.  And they are having a great intro deal…. check it out HERE! Planet-friendly, refillable canisters.

Thanks for joining me on my stormy weather post.  Stay tuned for the next 53 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and make some music!



stormy weather

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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