Day 2 for the dress. What’s my rhythm?  Decide in the morning what to wear or lay things out the night before?? Loaf in jammies until it’s time to get down to business .. then DRESS up? Lot’s to think on.

Being in the Pacific Northwest, we never know what the weather will bring…so we dress in layers. Sometimes LOTS of layers.  And by we… I mean me and the dress, who still has not been named.  Dress of the t’Ubervilles?? Dressie Smith??? Woolamina??   (I am leaning towards the last!)

The Dress — ok Woolamina Merino–  and I hit it off was amazing on her first day — carried me through the inauguration, out for errands and a music class, dinner with my daughter and, ended up at the inaugural ball. We hit it off fast – she and I.  From the first moment — it was comfortable and easy. Tennessee Waltz in 3/4 time.

For those of you who still haven’t heard…I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with the weekly travels.

Today’s goal:

  • figure out a comfortable, but not dumpy look — using my existing clothes.
  • Decide if there is a rhythm to this challenge… and what that means in day to day habits.



I may be smitten with her, but she needs her space… so she hangs alone at night.

What’s in store for today:

We have some rain.. and then possibly not.  Then more rain. And another busy day…. more drumming class – Advanced Rhythm (NO snickering from any of my 4 children born between 1980-1986). And I have another trip to Costco (meh), fill up with gas, organizing a bookcase, hanging some pictures,  blogging, knitting, and

my online class for  Applacian Flatfooting and Clogging!


At present, I’m still in Portland, until I head back to the Beach Tomorrow.

I live between two places at the moment – Mostly in my RV at the Beach, and part of the week in Portland Oregon. See more about my lifestyle HERE


Me and Woolamina ready to head out.  I have on an ancient fair isle sweater from United Colors of Bennetton,  equally ancient Ann Taylor Loft windbreaker, and my super comfortable, ever-trusty Hunter rain boots.  (More about these boots HERE)

That’s about it for the dress, and the rhythm and the rain.  But I do have some other dress related things to share!


“Have you had your colors done???”

That’s what my friend Marie asked me the other day.  It was during a discussion about clothes… and she said that she looks dreadful in orange.  I personally LOVE oranges… pumpkins, butternut squash, cayenne,  all the oranges except maybe traffic cone orange.

So she asked me the question and told me that she was a SUMMER, and summer’s don’t usually do well with orange.  At least, that’s what I think she said.  And then she told me about this book that came out in the ’80s with great information on picking the right colors so you look you best.

Bottom line, I found the book HERE… and am going to do some research on what are the best colors for me and Woolamina!

Don’t miss out – sign up below to get notices of new #tracywearswool posts!


Thanks for stopping in. –

– tracy

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


2022 day 11

2022 day 11

  Day  11   Day 11 and a bit warmer.  Which I am really glad to see.    I am looking forward to getting some work done in the garden, but it won't be today.  Too much other stuff going on.  Oh well, all those soggy old wood chips that have been getting heavier...

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2022 day 10

2022 day 10

  Day  10   Day 10 dawned icy, cold, and foggy.  I was grateful that I didn't have to be out on the slippery road. Instead, I got to sit in my comfy chair, working on my sweater, and listening to audio books.  For a few minutes, at least...until the dogs had to...

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2022 day 7, 8, 9

2022 day 7, 8, 9

 Day  7, 8, 9   I know that Day 7, 8, 9 isn't technically correct, but it works better for the google search engine. It is the way of the web, formulas that we use to try to get our blog posts seen by more people.  I just didn't want anyone pulling out their copy...

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