integrity, the end of self-betrayal, and the dress

integrity, the end of self-betrayal, and the dress

So, I am reading… or rather listening to… a great book: The Way of Integrity by Martha Beck.  And actually, I am surprised that I ordered it.

It was just one of those snap decisions, that if I had thought about, I would have said Nahhhh…

Mostly, when I think about integrity, I think of some moralistic and slightly judgey concept.  As is Good People ALWAYS act with integrity. (And after listening to this book, I would have to ask… what does that mean, exactly?)

But this is NOT what the author is writing about.  She speaks of Integrity, which comes from the Greek word integer… as being one with yourself. And when you are not true to yourself, you are out of integrity– and you are split.  And that is the basis for all suffering.

Now I must confess, I am not done with the book.  But what I have read so far… I love!  Especially how she incorporates little exercises that make you stop and think.

And then there is lying.  Lying to others, as well as yourself.   And if I understand it all correctly, whenever we lie… we are betraying ourselves, betraying our true nature. Yikes.


I’m not done with the book, but this is how far I have gotten.  And I think I am on the best part — but that is what I have said about all the previous chapters.

And Martha Beck has been there.  Seriously been through some trying times. She presents these heavy duty concepts with a bit of light hearted humor. Her examples seem Real.  So how does the dress come in to all this???

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

I met up with my fellow Wooligan and friend Carolyn, and sat in with her group that sings together.  Moving. Inspiring. Touching. A Capella. And the concept behind the group is a whole ‘nother blog post.

Between songs, we talked about real things. Honest and unpretentious things. Meaningful things. And I joined in singing a bit, with these people I had just met — well except for Carolyn. We sat in the front yard, in a circle, some in the sun, and some in the shade of the magnificent Japanese Maple. and it was relaxed and joyful, and there was nothing self-conscious about it.

I wasn’t worried if I looked ok, or if my hair was a mess, or if I hit the “right” notes.  No one was there to impress anyone else. And I had a wonderful time, and genuinely felt true to myself.

I was floating on the high harmony of being in integrity.

Get the book. At least… CHECK IT OUT HERE!  Worth every minute.

Progress on the Garden Project at Number 1’s house:


And I dyed my Iron Gray Rowena with Rit Black to make this wonderful midnight blue!!


As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


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