Day 11 Day 11 and a bit warmer. Which I am really glad to see. I am looking forward...

2022 day 11
Day 11
Day 11 and a bit warmer. Which I am really glad to see. I am looking forward to getting some work done in the garden, but it won’t be today. Too much other stuff going on. Oh well, all those soggy old wood chips that have been getting heavier and heavier will just have to wait to be spread in the vegetable boxes. Perhaps it will dry out a bit in the coming week. Good thing I have my trusty blue wheelbarrow.
The yarn below was a gift from My Daughter the Chef. It is from the small CROFT FARM just slightly north of Portland, on Sauvie Island on the Columbia River. What I thought was particularly enchanting about this yarn is that it comes from RESCUE animals.
For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool& — Same dress. 100 days. Details are on I am also taking the same 100 days to make some additional positive changes to develop daily habits in writing, art, knitting and eating better. I will also be not buying anything but essentials, and giving away an item for each of the 100 days.
JANUARY 11, 2022 – DAY 11

This is a closeup of Blossom yarn — which is 3 ply DK weight Huacaya alpaca and Suffolk sheep wool. It was sheared in 2019 and blended in 2020. You can contact I think it is so important to support these small businesses.

Blue tie-dyed shirt will be going to a new home. I got it on sale, and it is brand new — but too long for my liking. Hopefully someone will love it.
I am doing well on my other 100 day processes — I decided to call them that instead of goals.

One of my processes is to create art every day, so here is today’s drawing. The folks in the 100daydresschallenge may recognize the dresses! I am, of course, still wearing my dress, doing my duolingo, and not buying anything but essentials. One day of healthy food lapse — but back on track.

Thanks for joining me on day 11 of my #tracywearswool & new habits journey.
Stay tuned for the next 89 days!

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative stuff that I get into!
2022 day 11
2022 day 10
Day 10 Day 10 dawned icy, cold, and foggy. I was grateful that I didn't have to be out...
2022 day 7, 8, 9
Day 7, 8, 9 I know that Day 7, 8, 9 isn't technically correct, but it works better for...
2022 day 6
Day 6 Day 6 was all the way up in the low 50s, so I took advantage of the pleasantly...
2022 day 5
Day 5 Day 5 was a busy one. All the regular stuff, plus a trip to the Post Office to...
2022 day 4
Day 4 Day 4 warmed up a bit. And not a bit too soon for me. It was still chilly, but up...