day 56 of #tracywearswool: song sung blue

day 56 of #tracywearswool: song sung blue

Song sung blue, everybody knows one. But when you take the blues and make a song, you sing them out again.

Song is a wonderful healer.  And I thing that everyone is born with the ability to sing.  But sometimes it happens, that someone tells us we aren’t any good, or that we should just stand in the back… or…. mouth the words.  And so some of us stop singing.  I have heard this story from so many people, and talk about making me feel blue.  Because I can relate.   And, I didn’t sing for  a long time.  But then I got old enough not to care what other people say… or think.  And I started singing, and making music, and dancing.

So take that, you poopy pants dream squashers! I proved you wrong.


For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Woke up to more frost outside… brr at 32.  I got to spend some time sitting in bed knitting with my coffee and podcast, while I waited for the house to heat up.

Early morning eye doctor appointment and my eyes are still crummy.  But, I get to order some new glasses… and I love new glasses!  Also, some special computer glasses!! YAY!

Other than that, pretty quiet, dancing, knitting, cooking, eating, napping, and hanging out with the dogs. 


This is sweater #3 for the year… I plan on doing 12.  It’s my own little 12 sweaters in 2021 knitting challenge!!

There are details on that page, and a coupon for the yarn!


Super casual day hanging with the pups and knitting…. Columbia fleece that I inherited from my daughter.

Teamed with gray waffle knit socks…my standby. HERE they are in Graphite.


And that is about it for my outfit.   Leggings, of course, and the ever-present bulldog.

Rainey has spina bifida, so she will wear diapers for her entire life. But she doesn’t let it slow her down one bit.



I am hoping for some warmer days to come down the pipeline… get back to some gardening, and bare legs .

But in the meantime, I will be inside, knitting away at my sweater!

Thanks for joining me on my “song sung blue” post.  Stay tuned for the next 44 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and learn something new!




As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 55 of #tracywearswool: touch of gray

day 55 of #tracywearswool: touch of gray

Every silver lining’s got a touch of gray. 

But, really, that is what keeps it real. It’s not all black and white these days… but more mixed up … much more grayscale. Dare I say… shades of gray?  Ok… maybe mixing it up a little too much.  The important thing is that… we will get by.  We will survive.


For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

Torrential rain through last night, and hail on the road trip to Portland.  But it wasn’t too bad once I got here… chilly, and I had to go get out my wool socks, and throw on an extra sweater until the house heated up.

They guys were here working on the garden conversion — out with lawn, in with planter boxes and walkways.  Super excited about this project. Can’t wait to plant the giant sunflowers and dahlias and nasturtiums in the planter box along the fence, and veggies and herbs in the rest!


Talk about a touch of gray for #tracywearswol! Gray dress, gray sweater, gray plaid shirt…. it is a good thing I love gray!!


This classic Pendelton shirt isn’t wool, though, but 100% cotton flannel. In the Pacific Northwest, that makes it a 4 seasons shirt.  I just love the soft colors.



I had bare legs for a few days, but it is back to leggings and UGGS. I just opened up a new pair of leggings. Soft and buttery, and at $13, I’ll be ordering more!


Madewell pullover, lightweight, slightly a-line. Goes well with the Rowena, but it pretty much goes with everything.

Cross is from my mom, used to belong to Great Auntie Marge.


Thanks for joining me on my “touch of gray” post.  Stay tuned for the next 45 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and learn something!



blue skies

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

day 54: what a wonderful world

day 54: what a wonderful world

What a wonderful world full of possibilities out there. 

Sure, it’s not perfect, by any means, but it is still pretty wonderful… and awesome… at our choices everyday.

Because everyday, we can decide how we want the day to go for us — or at least how we will react to it.  Will we be happy about the 3 things that went right, or angry about the 12 things that went wrong. Will we choose to sing, or dance, or choose not to.  Will we share, or will we keep everything for, or to ourselves.

Pretty wonderful that we get to decide these things, and decide to make the world more wonderful.

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

patron saint in training Angelulu keeps me safe.


What’s in store today:

Lots of rain… which is great, because we don’t have to water all the sunflower seeds that I planted this last week… or the primroses, or the clematis!!  I have Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging video and blog to do. then maybe some knitting… and I think I’ll make some instant pot buttered cabbage for dinner!


wonderful world

I love this Ann Taylor Loft sweater, nice and lightweight — warm but not too bulky.  ANd it goes with everything.

I am trying to get out of the habit of baggy everything…. mix it up —  some baggy and some snug.

wonderful world

It’s been a bit windy, rainy, and chilly.  I don’t think it got out of the 40s today.  But for some parts of the country… that would be balmy!

Talk about a wonderful world!


wonderful world

So I just popped an old-school puffy vest from LL Bean into the mix.  I am not sure how old it is, but should outlive me.

I have donated most of mine… but this one, I just had to keep.

wonderful world

The shoes are by FRYE — and I have them on because I am about to start dancing!!  Great leather soles… also, probably outlive me. Super comfortable.  

And I LOVE these SOCKS –  slightly thick with toms of cush, and great colors. And… they are WOOL!

blue skies

Thanks for joining me on my “wonderful world” post.  Stay tuned for the next 46 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and learn something!



womderful world

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging with Tracy week 6

Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging with Tracy week 6

Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging was great this week — between the modules and the zoom get together. It’s week , and all about “moving” steps — and I was sort of all over with this one!

But for me — it is about learning, and about having a good time in the process.  

If you look at my blog, or social media pages,  you might wonder…  why is she doing all these NEW things.  Why all the challenges?  What is up with that??

I’ll tell you.  I think learning new things every day, or learning new ways to do things you already do… helps with neuroplasticity.  It builds new neuro-pathways throughout your brain.  Like maps of a city…. we tend to drive the same road over and over.  But by taking different roads to the same destination, or a new road to a new destination.. it builds and reinforces our brain’s cognitive function.  In short, It helps keep us sharp.

So get out there and drive those neuro-highways!  Or in my case… dance your way down them!!




appalachian flatfooting and clogging

Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging Video – Week 6

This video features moving steps: Lone Ranger + GGC Jumps + Earl   

I had so much fun this week between practicing the Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging  module that Carla puts out every monday, and the Super fun Saturday Morning Zoomget together were we go over new stuff and old stuff.  I love learning the STOMP step… and think it is going to be a favorite in my freestyle sessions.  And I am thinking I will be practicing that in public — like at the local supermarket.  Now I just need a cart-cam to make videos!

But just to be honest… there was another really tricky sequence… and I just couldn’t make it happen… so I didn’t do a video.  Maybe I will do one midweek, and add it in.

Still working up to longer freestyle sessions… but I have to admit… these sessions are strenuous! Serious… 5 minutes at a stretch is a long time…. just to get through a song… and some of those fiddle songs go on forever. PLUS … if you are doing them at half speed….

Until next week!


appalachian flatfooting and dancing

Want to see more about my Appalachian Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge– and the AFC Academy & Carla Gover?

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day 53: blue skies

day 53: blue skies

Nothing but blue skies, do I see.

I know we are in the midst of an awful pandemic.  And that a lot of folks are suffering in a lot of different way. It hasn’t been easy on anyone, that is for sure. But I believe in hope for a better tomorrow. And there has a great deal of good to come out of these trying times I see blue skies in our futures. Hopefully, nothing but blue skies!

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. (And yes, you can wash it!) Part of my reasons for deciding to do this was to simplify my life, especially with my lifestyle.

What’s in store today:

With blue skies like we are having today, it is hard not to catch a bit of the spring fever.  It is still cold, but the sun is shining, and it feels much warmer.  Time to get some stuff down outside…Plant some more, because you know the saying…. you sow what you reap.  Then knitting, and dancing… and a campfire!


b;ues skies

Those sexy wayfarer wannabes are actually bifocals…shhhh. And the nice dark shade are good for when the sun is out.

Ivory Fleece is from REI… and up until recently, was too small.  But I kept it, because I knew things would change.

blue skies

It was a bit windy… and I couldn’t decide how to dress.  I first stepped outside with bare legs and a T-shirt over my Woolamina.

Even though the sun was out… it was still in the 40s… so I headed back in!


blue skies

The sun warmed the world — and it got up to 55, for which I was eternally grateful.  I setted for the current outfit: leggings under Woolamina, Fleece over the top. 

Super comfortable, and easy to peel layers.

blue skies

Who doesn’t love a pair of Chucks in a great fun color.  These ones will be perfect for summer… and they match the sunglasses!

Super tstylin and comfortable. Great functional shoes.

blue skies

Thanks for joining me on my “blue skies” post.  Stay tuned for the next 47 days of #tracywearswool!


Be well, and learn something!



blue skies

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!



Did I mention my Appalachain Flatfooting and Clogging Challenge?? Check it out:

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