Day  2

Cold and rainy here on day 2  in Portland, Oregon.  But not super cold like the last few days.  Not freeze your new garden pipes cold, like yesterday.  My bad, I should have insulated the above-ground pvc pipe to the new system.  Luckily, we installed a shut-off valve.  Whew.   but that was yesterday.  And today brought a bit of rain, which will most likely freeze tonight making the roads nice and icy.  A good reason to stay in.

Today, I donned my hippy shirt and did hippy things.  Namely, make yogurt and sauerkraut.  Well, started both.  Yogurt will be ready tomorrow, and the kraut, in about a week. We go through a lot of both of them here.

For those of you who have never made sauerkraut, I made a couple of 1-minute videos.  Super simple. Super cheap.  And super delicious.  You need 1 head of cabbage, and about 4 TBS — roughly, of coarse salt.  And a half-gallon jar with a wide mouth. Here are two 1 minute videos on a simple way to make it.



For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. Details are on I am also taking the same 100 days to make some additional positive changes to develop daily habits in writing, art, knitting and eating better.  I will also be not buying anything but essentials, and giving away an item for each of the 100 days.

JANUARY 2 , 2022 – DAY 2


2022 day 2

I finished  Hello Habits.  It is his second book, the first one is Goodbye Things.  I highly recommend both!

I like to listen to audiobooks while I knit, but it comes in paperback, too. Today I grafted the toe of my sock, and started the second

2022 day 2
I am always amazed at the Kitchener stitch for grafting. It is this weaving in and out, and I am never quite sure it is right… until the end.  And then, just like magic, it works out to make the toe of the sock seamless!
2022 day 2

This afternoon, I ventured into a new area… animals.  I grew up drawing horses, but don’t think I have done one since Junior High.  But I think I may be drawing more in the coming days….

2022 day 2

I also started some yogurt in the Instant Pot — which is super simple and super easy.  You just need milk, and about 2 tbs of commercial yogurt with live cultures. More tomorrow.

Today’s giveaway was a glass apple paperweight.

2022 day 2


Thanks for joining me on day 2 of my #tracywearswool & new habits journey.

Stay tuned for the next 98 days!

OH.. and I signed up for Duolingo — so I can proudly… Quien es mas guapo, Titus o Rainey?

Hasta, folks!



2022 day 2

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative stuff  that I get into!


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