I just got a super sweet yarn delivery: Vidalana in Desert Dusk!   In the old days, I use to visit my LYS and check out the yarn displays, spending hours sometimes. Deciding WHAT to pick sometimes takes a bit of time!   

But things have changed a bit.. and in this present-day situation– that means ordering online. Sometimes I like to pick my own colorway… but I have to admit… sometimes it is really nice to let them pick… and be surprised!

I also love opening a package…. not exactly sure what is in it.    It makes it a little like my birthday — but all through the year. That is the case with my current delivery.

This is my first order with this company and they offered me a sweet deal — click HERE… or the button below to see more!



I was super pleased with the quality and the color of this yarn delivery. Vidalana in Desert Dusk is a soft mauve and dark rusty clay rust joined to together to recreate the subtle but complex natural colors you find in the deserts of the American Southwest.  It is stunningly beautiful.  The photo and video don’t do it justice.

Check it out…

In addition to the great colors, I was super pleased with the softness of the yarn.

Vidalana is 80% Peruvian Highland, and 20% nylon — which makes for a fantastic sock yran with a bit of stretch so it holds it’s shape.  I can’t wait to get started with this.


Inside each order is a card with information nd  links to special patterns. And there is a link to download KnitCrate’s monthly magazine of inspirations and patterns using the featured yarn.



HINT: The folks where I got this have a special deal for new people — check it out…


The folks at KNITCRATE also sent me a little something extra — but I must confess — I have no idea what it is!


yarn delivery vidalana

what do you think…. sock darning tool?? 

Let me know if you figure it out… or take a wild guess– comment below!

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