Day  5


Day 5 was a busy one.  All the regular stuff, plus a trip to the Post Office to mail something to Holly, the beautiful daughter of a fellow “woolie” — someone who also did the 100 day dress challenge.

I had a pleasant trip to Trader Joes, and while putting away my daughter’s groceries, I noticed that her sink was not draining… and had backed up into the dish drainer side of the two-section sink.  So I got the plunger… wait, first I changed out of my dress…. and then proceeded to plunge the dishdrainer side while I was running the garbage disposal, and running water.  My daughter put  Queen on the Alexa device — and I plunged away to “we are the champions”. Seemed to drain, but then proceeded to fill up the sink again. I repeated the process several times, without success. So I stopped, and thought I had better get the snake. As I passed the bathroom, much to my horror, I realized that while I was plunging, the bathroom sink was throwing up a week’s worth of coffee-grounds and eggshells, and a two-day old taco bell chicken bowl… all over the bathroom counter and floor and it was running into the living area.

I took apart the kitchen sink plumbing and snaked it.  I took apart the bathroom sink and plunged it.  I put everything back together, and it is still clogged.   We are trying Draino industrial stuff… before we cave in and call the plumber.  Fingers crossed.


2022 day 5

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. Details are on I am also taking the same 100 days to make some additional positive changes to develop daily habits in writing, art, knitting and eating better.  I will also be not buying anything but essentials, and giving away an item for each of the 100 days.

JANUARY 5, 2022 – DAY 5


2022 day 5

Dressing was a snap, tossed on the dress, and old flannel shirt, a belt and my new favorite: the FORAGER POUCH which made a great purse.  Wore it like a fanny pack — only it is easier to slip things in and out… and looks a lot more hip! 

2022 day 5

Worked a bit on sweater #1: Alberta Summer in a wonderful Noro dk that I got from Webs. I am halfway down the yoke — it is knit top-down in one piece, with a lace yoke.  


2022 day 5

This is my drawing of the day — ink with watercolor wash.

Winsor & Newton watercolor paints, and my favorite little Pentalic 3 x 4″ Pocket Sketchbook Traveler Journal.

2022 day 5

Messy palette — I like the small size – perfect for on-the-go “Plein Aire” meetups with the Urban Sketcher group. 

Today’s giveaway was a sweet little barn owl statuette!

2022 day 5

Thanks for joining me on day 5 of my #tracywearswool & new habits journey.

Stay tuned for the next 95 days!

And look, someone thinks Titus is a pillow!  




2022 day 5

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative stuff  that I get into!


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