Day  3


Day 3 was still pretty cold… but I managed to get out in the garden and yank out some of the frozen nasturtiums and dahlias.  They looked so pretty right up to the freeze. Not so much anymore.  Salvador Dali called and wants his nasturtiums back. They were on borrowed time and lasted pretty long into the season. Parting is such sweet sorrow…

2022 day 3

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. Details are on I am also taking the same 100 days to make some additional positive changes to develop daily habits in writing, art, knitting and eating better.  I will also be not buying anything but essentials, and giving away an item for each of the 100 days.

JANUARY 3, 2022 – DAY 3


2022 day 3

Today was a first… I went and shot pool with a ladies’ group here in Portland.  Had a wonderful time. Didn’t embarrass myself too much and met a few new friends.

This is what my garden looked like about a month ago.

2022 day 3
I continued my daily habit of art with a line drawing… only to realize that the ink was not waterproof… so I colored in with some pencils instead of doing watercolor.
2022 day 3

Best of all, Number 1 and I went to see a live show of THE MOTH — a show carried by NPR and Oregon Public Broadcasting.  It was so much fun and was held at The Old Church Concert Hall downtown.

2022 day 3

Today’s giveaway was a Yoda talking candy dispenser.  

I am super happy to be purging myself of all these little things that I manage to have acquired along the way.  100 things, 100 days. Mostly to appreciative folks in my neighborhood Buy Nothing Group!

2022 day 3

Thanks for joining me on day 3 of my #tracywearswool & new habits journey.

Stay tuned for the next 97 days!

Here is  Grandog Titus taking over my chair — in December before the freeze– you can see the green nasturtium leaves!  




2022 day 3

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative stuff  that I get into!


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