It’s the first day of a new year!

2021 was interesting… to say the least. The second year of the pandemic looming, I was determined to do something so that didn’t look back on the year and think … what did I accomplish with all that extra time?    In part, I…

  • completed my first 100-day dress challenge and made a lot of wonderful friends along the way.
  • cut 2 feet off my hair.
  • knit 14 sweaters, a couple of pairs of socks and a few hats.
  • changed jobs
  • participated in Inktober
  • cut out refined sugar and carbs… and lost 20 lbs
  • moved full time to Portland
  • and…
  • ripped out an entire front lawn and replaced it with garden boxes and a watering system.

For the next 100 I plan to continue with another 100-day dress challenge (same idea, different dress), work on art every day,  give away 100 items, and buy nothing but essentials.

I am also planning on knitting another 12 sweaters…. or 6 sweaters and 6 pr of socks.  I haven’t quite decided on that yet!

For those of you new to this blog …I am involved in a 100-Day Challenge, put on by Wool&  —  Same dress.  100 days. Details are on

JANUARY 1, 2022 – DAY 1


2022 day 1

Having a wool dress to slip into this morning was a lifesaver.  After oversleeping a bit, I threw on the dress and a trusty Columbia Sportswear wool sweater, leggings, and boots in about 3 minutes. 

2022 day 1

Then, fortified with a cup of coffee, I tossed on a wool pea coat to brave the 25 degree weather for a quick dog walk.  And I made it on time for my 9 am Wool& Fiber Friends Zoom call that I was hosting!!

2022 day 1

This afternoon, I worked on my website — and updated my 12 sweaters in 2021 knitting page, and worked on a little ink and watercolor drawing.


2022 day 1

I discussed chair rights with my two housemates, but was outnumbered.

Finally, I bagged up some items to post on my neighborhood buy nothing group.

2022 day 1


Thanks for joining me on my #tracywearswool journey.

Stay tuned for the next 99 days!

Be well, and get out there and enjoy yourself.



2022 day 1

As part of the challenge, I will be posting my daily outfits on blog posts as well as social media with the hashtag #tracywearswool — please follow along — and see all the creative outfits that I can come up with!


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