Every day I wake up, I think to myself… WHO do I want to be today?
Every day is the opportunity to reinvent ourselves. Decide how you want to be. If you don’t like the person you were yesterday, do something about it. Change. My past will not dictate who I am now.
So every day, I get up, and I choose patience and compassion. I choose respect and empathy. I choose to be a good listener and a good friend. I choose to be a student and a wanderer and someone who shares.
And Happiness. I always choose Happiness.

I am a blogger who lives full-time in her home on wheels, knits, paints watercolor pictures and sings and plays music as often as she can. And I show other people how to earn a living online, so they can have the life they want, too.

2022 day 11
Day 11 Day 11 and a bit warmer. Which I am really glad to see. I am looking forward to getting some work done in the garden, but it won't be today. Too much other stuff going on. Oh well, all those soggy old wood chips that have been getting heavier...
2022 day 10
Day 10 Day 10 dawned icy, cold, and foggy. I was grateful that I didn't have to be out on the slippery road. Instead, I got to sit in my comfy chair, working on my sweater, and listening to audio books. For a few minutes, at least...until the dogs had to...
2022 day 7, 8, 9
Day 7, 8, 9 I know that Day 7, 8, 9 isn't technically correct, but it works better for the google search engine. It is the way of the web, formulas that we use to try to get our blog posts seen by more people. I just didn't want anyone pulling out their copy...
2022 day 6
Day 6 Day 6 was all the way up in the low 50s, so I took advantage of the pleasantly balmy weather to get the 250 tulip bulbs that I had ordered late into their intended spot. I can't wait until spring comes. Tulips do really well up here in Portland, and...
2022 day 5
Day 5 Day 5 was a busy one. All the regular stuff, plus a trip to the Post Office to mail something to Holly, the beautiful daughter of a fellow "woolie" -- someone who also did the 100 day dress challenge. I had a pleasant trip to Trader Joes, and while...
2022 day 4
Day 4 Day 4 warmed up a bit. And not a bit too soon for me. It was still chilly, but up in the 40s. And that gave me a little bit of time to get things straightened up outside. I still haven't gotten the tulip bulbs in, but that is warm...